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Showing posts from December, 2022

Workplace Harassment: Landscape of Technology and Workplace Harassment

The integration of technology into our professional lives has brought about numerous benefits, but it has also opened new avenues for workplace harassment. This article delves into the intricate relationship between technology and harassment, shedding light on the various dimensions of cyberbullying, online harassment, and the role of social media in addressing workplace misconduct. The Rise of Cyberbullying in the Workplace: As our workspaces become increasingly digital, so does the potential for cyberbullying. Online platforms and communication tools, once heralded for enhancing collaboration, have become breeding grounds for harassment. Cyberbullying in the workplace can take various forms, including offensive emails, malicious instant messages, or even the dissemination of harmful content through company networks. The anonymity afforded by digital communication often emboldens perpetrators, making it challenging for victims to identify and report their harassers. Companies are now...

Posh Lawyers in India

PoSH (Prevention of Sexual Harassment )Awareness Session helps organisations in a big way in 1) Preventing and Discourage sexually harrasement at work 2) Encouraging victims to file grievances 3) Encouraging coworkers to understand their role in creating safe work environment. 4) Highlighting the Gender Neutral policy aspects Glad to have delivered at Cloudnine Group of Hospitals ~Noida A detailed employee and manager session highlighting key aspects of POSH ACT 2013 through case studies , Videos and Quiz . Thank you Trisha Singh and Saloni for organising,participating and partnering in the session. It is such a inspiration to see how the HR and leadership team is working together to ensure this organisation continues to be a workplace of choice in healthcare sector. Voice of SASHA 🤝POSHADVO Kanti Joshi 🤝Adv Kanchan K. Kanchan Khatana And Associates Sexual Harassment at Workplace Posh Training Best POSH consultant in India POSH ACT 2013 

Posh at Workplace

  POSHADVO has been founded to help keep workplaces free of sexual abuse across all sectors in the country. POSHADVO  firmly believes, as an organization, that  sexual harassment  is a serious denial of the right to equality, dignity and respect. Sexual abuse at work is something that most people routinely witness, but many do not openly speak about. Typically, this is for fear of losing their job, facing society's scorn, being caught up in never-ending court action or for other unspecified reasons. Posh @ Workplace Gender equality in all dimensions is a basic human right and the Constitution of India (“Constitution”) guarantees all its citizens equality of status and opportunity.  Sexual harassment  is considered as a violation of a woman’s fundamental right to equality, which right is guaranteed by Articles 14 and 15 of the Constitution. The Constitution also provides every citizen the ‘right to practice or carry out any occupation, trade or business, whi...